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  • Writer's pictureAlkhaleej Kitchen

How To Plan for the List of Kitchen Equipment & Find the Best Supplier?

Building a new kitchen or refurbishing your current one is a great undertaking. So, make sure you have done your research and know precisely what you are getting yourself into before you start choosing out new appliances.


One of the most popular mistakes of shopping for new kitchen equipment is ruining your time and money by purchasing things that you do not require.

To support avoid this, plan your menu first before you generate a shopping list. This way, you know what specialty equipment you might know what costly, specialty equipment you do NOT require and need to invest in for your organization.


Buying new commercial equipment is costly and it is no secret thing. It is essential to set a budget for yourself – and to stick to it when you intend to renovate your kitchen.

The key is to discover a balance between quality and what you can offer.

Of course, it will support to produce better quality food, will work more effectively, and will last longer as you will always need the higher quality appliances. But define which pieces of equipment are most essential and select those in your budget if you cannot offer all top-of-the-line.


It may look like a no-brainer, but make sure that it will match the space you have when you shop for new kitchen equipment.

Regrettably, without having measured their space, many purchasers make the mistake of ordering new equipment– and then it does not fit (or it takes up a lot more room than they required!). To make sure that you can get the new equipment in the building, this involves measuring the doorway.



One of the greatest nightmares of any Director/Owner is to join health codes. To be proactive is the greatest way to prevent getting slapped with a fine.

Make sure that you are comfortable with all the health, building, fire, and other codes of your local area, before going shopping for kitchen equipment. Remember, the regulations you are comfortable with many distinct in different locations, local codes vary.

Meet with inspectors and officials if you need to play it safe before buying new equipment to make sure you are on the right track.


If a person is looking for a kitchen equipment supplier then they should think certain things in mind such as planning their menu, budget, space measurement, local rules, and regulations, etc. because it will help you to get the best supplier in Dubai.

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